Boxes & Cases

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Using silver for boxes and cases dates to ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia, Ancient Greece and the Romans. These early silver boxes often served practical purposes, such as holding precious items, perfumes, or cosmetics.

During the Middle Ages, silver boxes and cases became more elaborate and were often commissioned by the aristocracy and Church. These boxes were used to store religious relics, jewellery, and other valuable possessions.

The Renaissance period saw a revival of interest in classical art and design. This influenced the creation of finely crafted silver boxes featuring mythological and allegorical themes.

During the 17th and 18th centuries, a surge in the production of ornate silver boxes was witnessed. Royalty and the wealthy often commissioned silversmiths to create luxurious items for personal use and as diplomatic gifts.
In particular, snuffboxes became highly fashionable during the 18th century. These small, hinged boxes were used to store and carry powdered tobacco. Many were made of silver with elaborate engravings and embellishments.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, Georgian and Victorian silver boxes continued the tradition of exquisite craftsmanship. Silver was used for creating a wide range of boxes, including tea caddies, writing boxes, and dressing cases. As colonial trade expanded, silver boxes became popular commodities among the upper classes in Europe and America. The designs ranged from Neoclassical simplicity to highly detailed floral and figurative motifs.

The late 19th and early 20th centuries saw the Art Nouveau and Art Deco movements influencing the. Art Nouveau favoured organic and flowing forms, while Art Deco embraced geometric patterns and bold lines.

Contemporary Styles

In the 20th century, silver boxes and cases continued to be crafted in various styles, reflecting the changing. Today, antique silver boxes and cases are highly sought after by collectors. Many artisan silversmiths continue to create bespoke silver boxes and cases with both traditional and modern designs.

Throughout history, silver boxes and cases have not only served utilitarian purposes. In addition, they have been prized as symbols of status, wealth, and artistic expression. The evolution of styles in craftsmanship is captured in the diverse array of antique silver boxes offered by Dart Silver.

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